Tami Vesey (Herder)
Hi Everyone! It will be good to see you all in August. I am sure everyone has had a busy 20 years and we have lots of stories to share. I attend Mankato State University for four years and graduated with a Business Admin. major with concentrations in Management and Marketing. I worked in sales and management for Jenny Craig, marketing and accounting for Dixie Electric, Inc., and now accounting for Fairland Management Company. How many of you are actually working in your major now? We moved to Windom from the cities about 7 years ago. I married Paul Vesey of Wykoff on 9/7/91. We have four children. Ryan 14, Meghan 11, Victoria (Tori) almost 5 and Lucas 3. Paul was diagnosed with MS about 4 years ago. It was good to finally have some answers to his health problems. Now we are just dealing with the challenges and lifestyle changes that the MS has caused. I wish you all the best of health and success. God Bless