20 years after highschool!
Robin & Sandy
Momma's night out!
Brett and fiance Krista
Scott, Kelly, Kelly, and Kelli
Jodi and Lisa
Dawn, Joe, Robin, Jodi, & Lisa
Lisa & Jackie
Dylan Dietz-Kelli's husband
Michelle & Don Henderson
Mindy Gerhking offering Keith another drink?
Dawn & Randy reminscing
Randy gets some socks? Rusty's donation
Kelli and baby bump. She brought a shot of energy
Crowded room, during the program
Old friends reunite Lisa & Jodi
Teri with her amusing introduction
Mr. Gross. Stu suprised us with a short visit.
Becky & Jeanna
Shelly & Becky
Darcy, Jon, Laura, & Todd
Darcy, Becky, & Laura
Darcy & Jon
Brett & Lisa
Cresta & Rusty
Terry & Jana
Todd, Randy, & Robert
Tami & Teri
Shelly, Jackie, & Lisa
Rusty & Mike
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Culver
Lisa & Darcy
kelly, Kelly, & Kelli
Joe & Jody Albertson
Jodi & Robert
Jackie & Lisa
Dwayne, Kelly & baby Lynda Reineke
Dawn, Kristi, & Patti
Darcy & Becky
(Click on an image to view at full size.)